Solar Panel

As the name implies, monocrystalline solar panels are made from a single crystal structure. They are the oldest of the technologies and the solar cells have a uniform flat color. Monocrystalline solar panels are a little more efficient and more expensive. You can install fewer high-efficiency mono panels, but the cost per watt is more expensive.
Best Use:
Residential and Commercial Solar Projects, especially if there is limited installation space.

Making polycrystalline panels is cheaper and it's a newer technology. The silicon cools unevenly and creates many different crystals giving it a less uniform appearance. Polycrystalline solar panels tend to be the most affordable, but they also put out a little less power. Even so, poly panels are gaining in efficiency and will usually have the lowest price per watt.
Best Use:
Residential, Commercial, Utility-Scale Solar Projects
Solar Panel Cell Sizes

60-cell solar panels tend to be the most common for residential and commercial systems. Most 60-cell panels measure around 66x40”, with power output ranging from 270-320+ watts.
Best Use:
Most Residential and Commercial Solar Projects

72-cell panels are commonly used for larger systems, especially utility-scale but also residential and commercial projects. Most 72-cell panels measure 77x40” with power output in the range of 325-400 watts. 72-cell panels are ideal for larger systems because the bigger size reduces the total number of connections and components, making for an easier installation with less maintenance.
Best Use:
Most Residential and Commercial Solar Projects
Solar Panel Brands